2014 Fantasy Baseball: How Important is the Strikeout?
One the great debates that has occurred over the last several years is the importance of the strikeout. Traditionalists and analytical thinkers have gone back and forth on whether the strikeout is bad for hitters or simply another out. A quick perusal through the game’s history shows ebs and flows
2014 Fantasy Baseball Daily Fix: May 28, 2014
Welcome back to the daily fix. Draftstreet is our platform of choice and it has been a friendly one so far this year. They offer a number of different kinds of games for your gambling pleasure. Personally, I love the double up contests. The double up contests start as low
2014 Fantasy Baseball: Dumpster Diving — Left Fielders, Part II
When looking at veteran left fielders, we see some intriguing names on the list. Of course, all of these guys have flaws or they would be owned by more fantasy owners. The question is whether their flaws make them unfit to be owned by you. Unlike the young pups, all
2014 Fantasy Baseball: Dumpster Diving — Left Fielders Part I
Different fantasy platforms treat outfielders differently. Some of them simply lump them all together while others separate them by positions. Here at the Fix, we are going to separate them anyway in case you are in one of those leagues that does so. The advice will likely hold even if
2014 Fantasy Baseball: The Rickie Weeks Conundrum
About 90 years ago, a relatively young Yankees first baseman seemed on the path to a long and prosperous career. Coming into the 1925 season, Wally Pipp was coming off of two consecutive 100+ RBI campaigns. He had three other 90+ RBI seasons to his credit before that point. There
2014 Fantasy Baseball: Dumpster Diving — Shortstops Part II
Last time, we looked at the youngster shortstops that have been left undrafted. Today, we will look at the older shortstops in the same situation. Some of these folks are still relatively young (two are 27 and one 28), so calling them veterans is a bit of a misnomer. Some
2014 Fantasy Baseball Daily Fix: May 21
Welcome to another edition of the daily fix. If you want to join in the fun, you can go to Draftstreet and sign up. They are offering some good bonuses at the moment, so there is no better time than now to sign up. Last week was a disappointing week
2014 Fantasy Baseball: Dumpster Diving — Shortstops, Part I
As we continue the dumpster diving series we come to a position that is considerably weaker than the others. Of course, we probably knew that going into the season. Beyond the heavy hitters like Hanley Ramirez and Troy Tulowitzki, there aren’t a lot of guys to feel really good about.
2014 Fantasy Baseball: Separated at Birth — Shortstop Edition
In today’s separated at birth, we aren’t necessarily looking at similar players. As much as I would love to do that, there are some positions where there aren’t compelling comparisons on that level. Instead, we are looking at two young shortstops from different parts of the jungle. Xander Bogearts is about as highly
2014 Fantasy Baseball: Separated at Birth — Third Base Edition
Every once in a while it is fun to play the separated at birth game. You take two similar players and compare them according to the numbers. What’s always interesting is that the reputations for the players involved rarely ever match up to the numbers. This time, I’ll tell you