2014 Fantasy Baseball: Dumpster Diving – Welington Castillo
Yesterday, we began our dumpster diving series by looking at a possible American League catcher you can add through waivers. Today, we will turn to the senior circuit to see if there are any players you can potentially add. Before we dive in we should lay out some ground rules
2014 Fantasy Baseball: The Daily Fix April 23rd
It’s still early in the season, so we are still learning the ropes over at Draftstreet. We’ve talked about stacking before and the folks over at Draftstreet are on to that strategy. So, they’ve limited you to four players from any one team in the starting lineup. I found out
2014 Fantasy Baseball Daily Fix: April 22, 2014
Welcome to a bonus edition of the daily fix. At least, it is a bonus one from me. You will hear from me again tomorrow. Last week we learned an important lesson as it pertains to daily baseball. Everyone makes mistakes and I made one last week. At least, a
2014 Fantasy Baseball: Dumpster Diving — Ryan Hanigan
Depending on the league you are in, dumpster diving is a pastime that could lead you to the playoffs in your league. Some leagues limit your moves, but even then it pays to pay attention to your waiver wire. You can think of the waiver wire the same way that
2014 Fantasy Baseball: The Fielding Factor AL
The most exciting advancement in analytics over the past ten years in baseball has been the relationship between fielding and pitching. Ten years ago, even a majority of analysts were discounting the effects of fielding as Voros McCracken’s theories on defense independent pitching statistics were taking hold. It isn’t so
2014 Fantasy Baseball: Third Tier AL Starting Pitchers
The final tier of starting pitchers is usually reserved for the scrubs of the world, but when you look at the table for the aggregate tier one, tier two, and tier three guys you will see that the tier three guys actually had more starts and more innings than the
2014 Fantasy Baseball Daily Fix: April 16th
Welcome to another addition of the daily fix. We have new partners this season with Draftstreet and so far it has been fun getting acclimated to the site. One of the things they offer you is the ability to go with a salary cap system (as most daily games allow)
2014 Fantasy Baseball: Second Tier AL Starting Pitchers
The second tier list in the National League was a mixed bag. We saw a cross between pitchers that some people would think would be tier one guys and guys that some people thought would be tier three guys. So, going through both lists was fun just to see what
2014 Fantasy Baseball: First Tier AL Starting Pitchers
Last week, we took a look at three tiers of starting pitchers in the National League. The primary thrust of the week was to see how the three groups were separated in terms of secondary numbers. This week, we are doing the same thing in the American League. For those
2014 Fantasy Baseball: The Fielding Factor NL
After looking at all three tiers of the NL only starters, we have discovered that pitchers themselves have very little control over what happens once the hitter makes contact with the ball. Strikeout rates were far and away the best predictor of pitcher success between the three tiers. Of course,