2016 Fantasy Hockey Draft KitFantasy Hockey

TheFantasyFix.com’s Fantasy Hockey Draft Kit Goalie Index

Welcome to TheFantasyFix.com’s Fantasy Hockey Draft Kit Goalie Index.

Drafting a goalie in fantasy hockey is extremely important, and knowing which goalie to take can sometimes be quite complicated. Most teams have an established #1 goalie, but backup goalies are still important. Knowing which goalie is next in line should a starter go down due to injury or poor play can be the key to winning a fantasy hockey pool. Below you will find a list of each NHL team’s starting goalie, backup goalie, and who’s next to be called up. Remember, training camp is about to start, so there will be changes to this chart as goalies start to separate themselves from each other.

Make sure to check out the rest of TheFantasyFix.com’s draft kit, including fantasy hockey rankings for your upcoming draft and podcasts with some expert guests.

For all your fantasy hockey questions leading up to your draft, don’t hesitate to ask me on twitter @fuzzychris91

Good luck!

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