Don Mattingly

The Hall of Fame Index: What about Gil Hodges?
As we move past the all-time greats we move back to a place where we can look more critically at the Hall of Fame. The Veterans Committee broke up the game into time periods with each time period rotating over several years to get their turn at “righting a wrong” Podcast, Episode 35: Blake Jamieson
On episode 35, Alan Harrison (@TheFantasyFix) is joined by co-host Todd Clark (@Lunchmade) and special guest – artist, Blake Jamieson. Blake is best known for his portrait paintings of athletes and most recently, Topps Project 2020. Podcast, Episode 34: Pop Culture, Baseball Cards & Project 2020 with Tim Clark
On episode 34, Alan Harrison (@TheFantasyFix) is joined by co-host Todd Clark (@Lunchmade) and Tim Clark (Twitter, IG) of to discuss baseball, pop culture and what appears to be the renaissance of baseball card collecting courtesy of Topps Project 2020. Give a listen below or download the podcast in iTunes, Stitcher or Google

2013 Fantasy Baseball, The Daily Fix: September 12th, 2013
On a long enough timeline, the survival rate drops to zero. At the beginning of the season, the Dodgers were everyone’s pick to win the NL West because the new ownership group had thrown over 200 million dollars at the team. Unfortunately, they didn’t get out of the gate well

2013 Fantasy Baseball, The Fielding Edge: Los Angeles Dodgers vs. Arizona Diamondbacks
Author’s Note: This is the fifth edition of a seven part series on fielding, and how it could affect your fantasy team and the trade deadline. We are profiling the top two teams in each division because those are the teams most likely to deal for players to help them

2013 Fantasy Baseball, The Daily Fix: June 5th, 2013
It’s been a down time for your’s truly on the Daily Fix. Those that follow me on twitter (@sbarzilla) know I’ve had weather issues several times during my prescribed days to play. In the last one, a Brandon McCarthy start was rained out. Judging by his performance the next day,