Gerardo Parra

2017 Fantasy Baseball: Total Points– Left Fielders
There are less than two weeks remaining in the baseball season. We are getting to the point where we are ready to do a post mortem on the fantasy season. Most teams have been eliminated by now whether they are doing rotisserie style or head to head style. Of course,

2017 Fantasy Baseball: The Fielding Chronicles – Colorado Rockies
Sometimes the best laid plans go awry through no fault of our own. Sometimes, there are poorly laid plans that go awry and we end up benefitting in the process. The Rockies offseason plan was less than optimal for many reasons. This was particularly true on the fielding end of

2017 Fantasy Baseball: Left Fielders M-Y
As we continue with the left field list it remains important to think about where we have been. The essential nature of our rankings is that they consider primarily where the players have been in their careers. Obviously, that may not always be the best way to do it, but

2016 Fantasy Baseball: Buying and Selling Outfielders
SELL: Matt Kemp – This hurts me, as I’ve always been a Kemp fan, but he’s probably only going to help you in home runs this year. He’s already got four, but that goes with zero other extra-base hits, only one walk, and 10 strikeouts. Even with his four home

Outfielders: Like Him Less, Like Him More
The outfield is deep, and for that reason, it isn’t combined with another position in the Like Him Less, Like Him More series. At shortstop, I chose not to discuss the rankings disparity for Manny Machado as it appeared the result of some rankers not ranking him at that position.

2016 Fantasy Baseball: Breakout Candidate — Gerardo Parra
It is often difficult to go against conventional wisdom. It leads you open to criticism and often ridicule. That being said, if there has been any move that has been universally panned this offseason, it has been the Colorado Rockies’ acquisition of Gerardo Parra. If the Rockies had simply moved

2016 Fantasy Baseball: Undervalued Top 80 Outfielders
To see the intro to this series check out five undervalued outfielders in the top 40 Dexter Fowler – Fantasy Pros Rank: 43 – My Rank: 37 I’ve always been a fan of Fowler, so of course I’m going to be higher on him than average after his best season

2016 Fantasy Baseball: Colorado Rockies Team Preview
Team Overview I feel bad for the Rockies sometimes. In all sincerity, I recognize the constant struggle that persists with playing baseball in Colorado, and the “Coors Effect” has begun to stretch well beyond just the group of guys that take the field everyday. The front office hasn’t had the

2016 Fantasy Baseball: All Sleeper Team — Hitters
Fantasy baseball fans look forward to the preseason rankings as much as any fantasy player in any sport. There is a whole cottage industry surrounding ranking players for fantasy sports and there is as much science involved as Astrology. So, a second cottage industry has emerged and that is the

Milwaukee Brewers trade Gerardo Parra to the Baltimore Orioles
The tear down of the Milwaukee Brewers continued on Friday with the trade of Gerardo Parra to the Baltimore Orioles. The Orioles have been seeking outfield bats for over a month now and finally landed the versatile Parra in a deal with the Brewers. In exchange, the Brewers will receive