Posts Tagged

Mickey Mantle

The Hall of Fame Index

There are a few spots where analysis and emotion collide. There is probably no place where this collision is more violent than in center field. There are those that will fiercely cling to the notion that Ty Cobb is not only the best center fielder of all time, but the

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The Hall of Fame Index

Being stuck at home with no baseball affords a man plenty of time to read. I dusted off Clearing the Basesby Allen Barra to see if the debates in that book would spark a iittle interest. It did. So, I’ve decided to write a few pieces centered on the debates

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Fantasy Baseball

Center field is the premier position on the diamond. You think of history of baseball and its great players and center fielders usually come to mind. In the 1950s, you had Mickey Mantle, Willie Mays, and Duke Snider all in New York. In terms of baseball history, you have the

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