Stephen Vogt

2018 Fantasy Baseball: 5 and 6 Category Rankings– Catchers P-Z
It might seem a little early to start looking at next year, but as someone wise once said, “past is prologue.” When players start changing uniforms it can be easy to get caught up in the moment of dreaming about how this player will help that player get to the

2018 Fantasy Baseball: Total Points Catchers P-Z
The period of the offseason immediately following the postseason is the loneliest of all for the avid baseball fan. There are generally few trades and players aren’t eligible for free agency yet. So, it is high time to start the process of rating the players. Obviously, some will depend on

2017 Fantasy Baseball: Three to Add, Three to Keep, Three to Drop– Catchers
Everything old is new again and just in time as there have been some major changes to the catching landscape in fantasy baseball. Of course, major is probably an overstatement as two players were DFA’ed and one was sent back to the minors. Those players were long since dropped in

2017 Fantasy Baseball: Pre-Auction Catcher Tiers
This year brings something new for me, I will be participating in the first auction of my fantasy career. Playing in auctions in obviously exciting and scary at the same time. Every player is immediately available and yet none are a gimmie at the same time. A lot of planning

2017 Fantasy Baseball: Catcher PECOTA Rankings M-Z
We’ve already done catcher rankings this offseason. As much as I love ranking guys 1 through 24, there really is no good way to do it. Some fans have shot back complaining how high or how low a guy is. Their criticism often is valid. So, we are taking a

2017 Fantasy Baseball: Fantasy Catchers M-Z
Welcome to the second edition of fantasy catchers for the 2017 season. If you read the first article, you know we are profiling the top 24 returning fantasy players at each position. Naturally, there are some young players that will be left out and we will profile them at a

Catchers and Relief Pitchers: Like Him Less, Like Him More
The article title tells the story. Below, you’ll find a catcher and relief pitcher I like less than the expert consensus rank at Fantasy Pros as well as one of each I like better. Interestingly, there are some parallels between the catchers — namely that both are coming off of

2016 Fantasy Baseball: All-Bust Team — Hitters
Finding potential sleepers and busts is an obsession for fantasy baseball fans. Sometimes you pick up the fantasy baseball magazine or click on the preseason rankings and find yourself scratching your head. Identifying potential busts (as we are doing here) depends largely on your definition of the word. For some,

2016 Fantasy Baseball: Oakland Athletics Team Preview
2015 Season in Review The Oakland Athletics went from playoff representatives in 2014 (88-74) to last place in the West in 2015 (68-94). Their record was last in the American League and only better than two other teams (Philadelphia Phillies and Atlanta Braves) in the National League. It was their

2016 Fantasy Baseball: Catcher Projections
There are many ways to rank players. I don’t claim to have a monopoly on the truth, but I hope my methods balance analytics with common sense. The analytics part is probably the most involved. We take runs above replacement from the past three seasons according to three different sources