The Hall of Fame Index

The Hall of Fame Index: Who are the top five shortstops of all-time?
Like with our third basemen, there really is no drama as who will get the top spot amongst shortstops in the history of the game. So, we altered the headline for the article because the comments usually joke about how obvious the choice is. The Hall of Fame Index was

The Hall of Fame Index: Who is the most valuable third baseman of all-time?
I’ve said it before, but it bears repeating. One of the keys of The Hall of Fame Index is that we go where the data takes us. We can ask lofty questions like who is the most valuable third baseman of all-time and that’s what the headline says, but the

The Hall of Fame Index: Who is the most valuable second baseman of all-time?
Every position is unique when it comes to evaluating the top five guys. There is no doubt about the top four second basemen. Obviously, the order in which they go will be debated and it was in The Hall of Fame Index Part II. Getting to the fifth spot is

The Hall of Fame Index: Who is the most valuable first baseman of all-time?
One of the cardinal rules of analysis is that you have to follow the data where it goes. One of the mistakes people make in science is that they go into a research question with the answer in their mind. If you did not read the article on the most

The Hall of Fame Index: Who is the most valuable catcher of all-time?
When we start ranking players at a specific position we are going to a place The Hall of Fame Index was never designed to do. So, we have to add a few layers on analysis to get to where we want to go. First, we have to define our terms.

The Hall of Fame Index: Who is the most dominant right handed pitcher of all-time?
When we start talking about deciding who the best right handed pitcher of all-time we first have to precisely define our terms. I start by striking the term best from the record. It is impossible to compare pitchers from very different times and determine who was the best or greatest.

The Hall of Fame Index: Who is the best left-hander of all time?
Baseball is rapidly approaching but we still have some time to have some fun. I didn’t classify pitchers by handedness in The Hall of Fame Index Part II. However, the debate over who is the best left-handed pitcher in baseball history is an interesting one. Most people would naturally assume
The Hall of Fame Index: Who was better? Bob Gibson or Juan Marichal?
As we continue our journey through Allen Barra’s Clearing the Baseswe would like to remind everyone that it was published in 2002. The Hall of Fame Index Part IIwas published this March. Obviously one is going to have more up to date information than the other. This is important with
The Hall of Fame Index: Where does Jackie Robinson rank among all-time second basemen?
We continue our series of debates addressed in Allen Barra’sClearing the Bases. This was published in 2002, so we have to cut him some considerable slack on some arguments. However, these arguments are fun, so we continue with the question of where Jackie Robinson ranks among second basemen. We will
The Hall of Fame Index: Was Willie Mays better than Mickey Mantle?
Being stuck at home with no baseball affords a man plenty of time to read. I dusted off Clearing the Basesby Allen Barra to see if the debates in that book would spark a iittle interest. It did. So, I’ve decided to write a few pieces centered on the debates