Vladimir Guerrero Jr.

5 Category Projections: Third Basemen 2020
It should be noted in this series that players are listed at their primary position. Sometimes that can get hairy because a number of players have multiple position flexibility. That has a dramatic impact on their draft stock and that isn’t necessarily reflected in the positional rankings. Third base and

2019 Fantasy Baseball Bold Predictions Review – American League
Those of you (like me) who failed to make the playoffs in your fantasy football league will now be turning your attentions to baseball. Something you should have done weeks ago if you ask me. To ease you into it, I figured this will be a good time to look

TheFantasyFix.com’s Fantasy Baseball Podcast, Episode 23: Set Your Sale with Keston Hiura
Alan Harrison (@TheFantasyFix) and co-host Todd Clark (@lunchmade) start episode 23 discussing some baseball news and notes that may impact your fake baseball teams – including, but not limited to, Chris Sale and his 17 strikeout performance, Vladimir Guerrero, Jr. going deep twice, Keston Hiura, Oscar Mercado and Nicky Lopez

No Way Pedro: 2019 American League Bold Predictions
The season is upon us. Drafts are complete (or at least most are). All that’s left is to sit back and enjoy proper baseball again. So, it’s the perfect time to present to you my fourth edition of “No Way Pedro”. It’s similar to the bold predictions you’ll see swirling

TheFantasyFix.com’s Fantasy Baseball Podcast: Episode 14 – Vlad Jr., Jesus Luzardo & Rankings Discussion
Alan Harrison (@TheFantasyFix) is joined by Todd Clark (@lunchmade) on episode 14 to discuss some of the more important Spring Training news along with the recent published fantasy baseball rankings on the site. Be sure to follow TheFantasyFix.com and host Alan Harrison on Twitter @TheFantasyFix. You can follow this episode’s guest, Todd