Fantasy Baseball

2015 Fantasy Baseball: LEEG Experts Draft Recap and Waiver Wire Review
LEEG Draft Recap On March 4, I participated in a Fantasy Baseball Experts League draft – the League of Extraordinary Expert GMs (LEEG) – hosted by Ron Vackar of The Fantasy Fix will be represented by the team of Scott Barzilla and myself. Each week we will provide a recap

2015 Fantasy Baseball: Center Field VORP Revisited
View image | We come to the end of our VORP soon (RF will be the last edition) with a slight variation of our organizational structure. Many of you have had your fantasy drafts already, but for those that haven’t it isn’t enough to simply rank the players at

2015 Fantasy Baseball: Left Field VORP Revisited
View image | As you might imagine, outfield is one of the deepest positions in any fantasy draft. The trouble is that different leagues treat outfielders differently. Some of them consider them collectively while others break them down by their individual positions. Here we will break them down by

2015 Fantasy Baseball: Shortstop VORP Revisited
View image | As we continue our journey through this VORP series, we get to maybe the most difficult position to pick on the diamond. Shortstop might be shallowest of all the positions on draft day, but that makes for good opportunities if you know more than your opponents.

2015 Fantasy Baseball Draft Guide: Outfield Preview Podcast
Ryan Noonan and Gerard Martin are back to talk outfielders. They talk about the perception of the outfield position in terms of how deep it is, how awesome Miami’s young outfielders are, and help you find some late value to round out your rosters. Listen below, or find it on iTunes or

2015 Fantasy Baseball: Staff Rankings Roundtable Discussion
View image | I think it’s a good practice, regardless of the application, to try and improve yourself and learn something new every single day. It’s difficult to learn when you think you know it all. With that very thought in mind, I work with a lot of really

2015 Fantasy Baseball: Addison Reed and His Potential Replacement
View image | This post was written by Rich Migliorisi exclusively for Playing the closer game has much to do with avoiding the wrong pitchers as it does picking the right ones. Heading into the 2014 season, I discussed Addison Reed’s injury risk. And despite those red flags, he managed to

2015 Fantasy Baseball Draft Guide: Starting Pitchers You Almost Have to Draft
View image | I love FIP. Or at least I did until xFIP came along and improved the predictive power of defense-independent pitching statistics (DIPS). Because home run rates generally fluctuate from year to year, xFIP applies a league average home run rate to all pitchers, which makes xFIP

2015 Fantasy Baseball: Third Base VORP Revisited
View image | As we continue with our value over replacement player series, we come to a point where we should take a step back. Sometimes it helps to ask ourselves some basic questions before continuing with our endeavor. A number of sites have numbers similar to VORP. Essentially,

2015 Fantasy Baseball: Mixed Tout Wars Review, Rounds 1-3
View image | Spring Training is here. That means all of us baseball nutsos get to travel to Arizona or Florida to get an early look at our favorite teams and players. It also means that we get to dive head first into numbers to try and sort out

2015 Fantasy Baseball: Second Base VORP Revisited
View image | Fantasy baseball players often base their selections on two things: the average draft position for the player and preseason rankings from the particular site they are using. Funny, but those average draft positions (ADP) are based mostly on the preseason rankings. It all comes down to

2015 Fantasy Baseball Draft Guide: Third Base Preview Podcast
Ryan Noonan and Gerard Martin are back to talk about third base. In the hot corner podcast they discuss their approach to the position on draft day, talk through the top tier of third baseman, decide whether or not Chris Davis returns to form, and how much of a ‘leap’ Nolan Arenado