Podcast, Episode 35: Blake Jamieson

On episode 35, Alan Harrison (@TheFantasyFix) is joined by co-host Todd Clark (@Lunchmade) and special guest – artist, Blake Jamieson. Blake is best known for his portrait paintings of athletes and most recently, Topps Project 2020.
Please give Blake a follow on Twitter and Instagram to follow his journey as an artist. Additionally you can check out Blake’s website to purchase art, puzzles and view his commissions. Lastly, one the coolest things Blake has going on are his daily live streams on his YouTube channel. Check out Blake each night at 10:23 ET as he discusses art projects, updates on Topps Project 2020 and graciously connects with his fans.
Give a listen below or download the podcast in iTunes, Stitcher or Google Play. Please leave a positive rating/review – we greatly appreciate your support.
To get your questions answered on a podcast in the future, please send us a note on Twitter.
New podcast music courtesy of Beats by Yams. Many thanks to him – check out his SoundCloud.