fantasy nba

2017-18 Fantasy Basketball: Preseason Dynasty Rankings
My favorite kind of fantasy, dynasty! I especially am a fan of deep dynasty leagues, 20 or 30-team formats. As you will see from my rankings, I like to look ahead. So, if your gameplan day one is to win the first season of your start-up dynasty, you may want

2016-17 Fantasy Basketball: Fantasy Hoops Owner’s Manual — Week 4
Welcome to the latest edition of the Fantasy Hoops Owner’s Manual. This season I will only be able to produce one article per week, anything else is just an added bonus, but don’t worry because this will be packed with all of your fantasy essentials weekly. I will cover waiver

2016-17 Fantasy Basketball: Fantasy Hoops Owner’s Manual — Week 2
Welcome to the very first edition of the Fantasy Hoops Owner’s Manual. This season I will only be able to produce one article per week, anything else is just an added bonus, but don’t worry because this will be packed with all of your fantasy essentials weekly. I will cover

Following on from last week’s fantasy NBA for n00bs piece (Part I here), here is Part II! M for Mocks – It’s return of the mock season. Read about the expert mocks; compete in a few mocks on different sites, and if you have sleepers remember where they’re going so you

2016-17 Fantasy Basketball: The A-Z of Fantasy Hoops – Part I
Guides are fun and so are rankings and the nit-picking of said rankings. This isn’t a dummies guide or anything, but there are some really obvious tips, tricks or strategies that are often over-looked in fantasy. I’ve been playing since 2000…wow this was a winning team in 12 team 8-cat

2016-17 Fantasy Basketball Stats Guide – The $5 Fix
I’ll cut right to the point. If you want every useful NBA statistic and ranking to prepare for your draft, then this is the cheat-sheet for you. I’m the first to admit the information packed into this tidy little package can be found, for free, in various places using various

2016-17 Fantasy Basketball: Industry Mock Draft Review and Expert Insight
Who says it’s too early to draft for fantasy hoops? Recently, I gathered eleven well respected fantasy basketball analysts to join me in an early off-season mock draft. It’s always interesting to see how player values change from the middle of the off-season to prime fantasy draft season in October. Here,

2015-16 Fantasy Basketball: Waiver Wire Fix — Week 14
Welcome to the weekly Waiver Wire Fix, an article where I will be discussing which four players should be picked up based on recent production. The only criteria is that they have to be owned in less than 50% of Yahoo leagues. Let’s get started.

2015-16 Fantasy Basketball: Waiver Wire Fix — Week 12
Welcome to the weekly Waiver Wire Fix, an article where I will be discussing which four players should be picked up based on recent production. The only criteria is that they have to be owned in less than 50% of Yahoo leagues. Let’s get started.

2015-16 Fantasy Basketball: NBA Stock Market
Welcome to NBA Stock Market, a weekly article where I will take the temperature of certain players around the league. This will be designed to let you know who you should be trading for, and who it may be time to cut bait with. There will be two sections in