2016 Fantasy Basketball

2016-17 Fantasy Basketball: Fantasy Hoops Owner’s Manual — Week 4
Welcome to the latest edition of the Fantasy Hoops Owner’s Manual. This season I will only be able to produce one article per week, anything else is just an added bonus, but don’t worry because this will be packed with all of your fantasy essentials weekly. I will cover waiver

Daily Fantasy Basketball Strategy: November 8, 2016
We have a nice little six game slate at our disposal tonight with plenty of great options to choose from including Damian Lillard who has been on an absolute tear to start the season and making a very solid claim to why he is the MVP of the league. We

Daily Fantasy Basketball Strategy: November 7, 2016
Each day when you go to fill out your daily FanDuel lineup for the night there should be one thing you do that is consistent throughout the year. You will look at the games and there will be a few games you are very excited for and expect lots of

2016-17 Fantasy Basketball: Fantasy Hoops Owner’s Manual — Week 2
Welcome to the very first edition of the Fantasy Hoops Owner’s Manual. This season I will only be able to produce one article per week, anything else is just an added bonus, but don’t worry because this will be packed with all of your fantasy essentials weekly. I will cover

2016-17 Fantasy Basketball: Final H2H Rankings
I don’t even have time to explain how crazy life has been the past month, but I didn’t want to not get out a last set of rankings before the final weekend of drafts. These are my Head-to-Head rankings, so category killers aren’t dropped like they are in my Roto

2016-17 Fantasy Basketball: Final Roto Rankings
I don’t even have time to explain how crazy life has been the past month, but I didn’t want to not get out a last set of rankings before the final weekend of drafts. This is the roto rankings, which I have said many times how I am for roto

Following on from last week’s fantasy NBA for n00bs piece (Part I here), here is Part II! M for Mocks – It’s return of the mock season. Read about the expert mocks; compete in a few mocks on different sites, and if you have sleepers remember where they’re going so you

2016-17 Fantasy Basketball: The A-Z of Fantasy Hoops – Part I
Guides are fun and so are rankings and the nit-picking of said rankings. This isn’t a dummies guide or anything, but there are some really obvious tips, tricks or strategies that are often over-looked in fantasy. I’ve been playing since 2000…wow this was a winning team in 12 team 8-cat

2016-17 Fantasy Basketball: The Fantasy Fix Draft Only League #1 Recap
Hi everybody, it’s Seth, your trusted fantasy sports writer. ‘Member me? — it’s been a while, for sure. I just went to look up when I last published an article and saw that it was written on parchment paper. My life has been a little crazy with my 11-month-old baby daughter (as well

2016-17 Fantasy Basketball: ESPN vs Yahoo Rankings Analysis
While there are hundreds of fantasy basketball blogs, fan sites and forums, there’s only two really big boys on the block in terms of hosting leagues and having useful apps, and that’s ESPN and Yahoo.